Biyernes, Pebrero 26, 2016


if you regularly visit this blog, youll notice that I have been covering Vulcan since last year. Reason: I have Vulcan shares and I have been patiently waiting for National Bookstore backdoor play.

Vulcan Feb 24, 2016 disclosure:
National Book Store, Inc. (NBS) has fully paid 363,944,388 shares of stock of its total subscription to the increase in capital stock of the Corporation, and for which all appropriate taxes have been paid. Hence, the said number of shares have been issued to NBS.

The last time NBS did this was 2014.

Will it breach 2/share?

Will the NBS backdoor finally push through.

Will our patience come to fruition?

Huwebes, Pebrero 18, 2016


bought at 1.13 few days ago and bought again today at 1.21 hope it reaches 2 at least but I wont complain if it become 4. telstra?????? as of now, it is still what we call kwentong barbero.

Martes, Pebrero 16, 2016

Martes, Pebrero 2, 2016

VUL: good news and bad news

Good news:
  • closed above 5 day EMA and 20 day SMA.
  • RSI and STS going up
Bad news
  • no volume
  • backdoor listing still uncertain

PCOMP worst case scenario: Head & Shoulders

PSEi 6,642.45
-0.88% -58.91

Fig 1. Worst case scenario for PSEi

Fig 2. H&S pattern (from 

Hope this doesnt happen.